Wednesday 22 December 2010

Kerrang Magazine deconstruction

This front cover has a theme of yellow and black on it. The picture has a band with plain black t shirts that continue the theme. It connotes that the magazine has had a lot of planning and work put into it as it all matches. The layout is very unsymmetrical as most of the information is on the left side. There are lots of pictures that suggests the magazine has a lot of information in it. I think the magazine wants to look harsh as it uses bright colours, phrases  like 'prepare for battle' and 'living dangerously', and the title looks like smashed glass. This makes me think it is for an audience that prefers punk, rock and heavy metal. What also would give this impression is the bands they have pictures of as all of them do rock music. Having red, bold words like 'exclusive' would entice an audience because they would think that not many other people will know the information that is inside the magazine. I feel this a good idea and a possiblity to put on my front cover. The free posters and stickers would attract an audience, especially if there was a poster of their favourite artist or band. It also says free twice in bold writing which could subliminally make the audience feel the magazine is cheap. Big writing in the middle of the page of the main story, this will connote that the story has more information as it is bigger than the rest subtitles.Most of the subtitles are different fonts and different sizes. I want to do this for my magazine because it makes the tories look more differrent from each other again more information in the magazine.   
The contents looks abit more organised but there is still a lot going on and you don't really know what to look at. I do not want this feeling for my contents page. It has the 'Kerrang' title again to increase loyalty and a big picture at the top to look like another big story like the front page. It has an editors letter which I like the idea of and apart from that bit it doesn't look like a lot of writing, so somebody in a rush can look down the contents page quickly and decide what they want to read. I like the slanted pictures in the top right as it looks again like out of a scrapbook and that makes it more personal. It already has an advert at the bottom right and from my questionnaire I did, more people liked advertisement than not so that could be helpful towards getting customers. It also is an advert for the magazine and so this again is encouraging loyalty to the magazine. The information is organised into subtitles which would help the reader find what they are looking for if they were looking for a certain story or page. It would make the magazine look helpful to the reader.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Questionnaire results

I asked 15 people what their 3 favourite colours were and these were the results. 
The colours blue and pink scored the highest but red, white, yellow and green scored fairly high as well.

I asked 15 people if they would prefer a snapshot of a famous artist in their music video or styled up especially for a photo shoot.

Most people decided they would rather see a music magazine with a famous person in a photoshoot rather than a snapshot from their music video. I think I am going to have my model in a photoshoot.

I asked 15 people out of these five front covers which appeals to you the most and these were the results. 

Rolling Stones and Miss Behave both got chosen 6 times. They were both the most colourful choices and therefore I want my magazince to be a colourful choice as well.

I asked 15 people if they would prefer a magazine in detail of their favourite genre or a more general magazine on all the genres.
More people wanted a general magazine. I noticed that the more trouble the person had with the question before 'What's your favourite genre?' tended to want a general magazine but the people that found it easy to answer that question wanted a detailed magazine on that genre.