Wednesday 15 December 2010

Questionnaire results

I asked 15 people what their 3 favourite colours were and these were the results. 
The colours blue and pink scored the highest but red, white, yellow and green scored fairly high as well.

I asked 15 people if they would prefer a snapshot of a famous artist in their music video or styled up especially for a photo shoot.

Most people decided they would rather see a music magazine with a famous person in a photoshoot rather than a snapshot from their music video. I think I am going to have my model in a photoshoot.

I asked 15 people out of these five front covers which appeals to you the most and these were the results. 

Rolling Stones and Miss Behave both got chosen 6 times. They were both the most colourful choices and therefore I want my magazince to be a colourful choice as well.

I asked 15 people if they would prefer a magazine in detail of their favourite genre or a more general magazine on all the genres.
More people wanted a general magazine. I noticed that the more trouble the person had with the question before 'What's your favourite genre?' tended to want a general magazine but the people that found it easy to answer that question wanted a detailed magazine on that genre.

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