Sunday 16 January 2011

Final Piece

My result from the questionnaire gave a wide variety of colours people liked so I decided to go with the prime colours blue, red and yellow. I had a photoshoot with my model and I dressed her in black and white check so she wasn't wearing something boring but still fit into the theme. I chose my model on 3 aspects; hair colour, facial features and smile. This is because I wanted my model to have a hair colour that went well with the colour scheme(bright pink for example wouldn't have worked) I wanted them to have interesting but attractive features because I want her to catch the audiences attention, my model has a strong jaw line and big brown eyes.  I then wanted them to have a good teeth as they were going to be showing them while biting on a lollipop. I couldn't have wonky yellow teeth as they wouldn't look as good once I had edited them. I wanted my model to have long hair and so I asked her to wear hair extensions. This is because I wanted to connote an expensive magazine and long, well looked after hair shows that message. I wanted the magazine to look fun and interesting so I bought a big lollipop and asked my model to bite it and I took a lot of shots of this, it connotes fun and young which every girl could look up to. I have observed many other magazines advertising free posters in the magazine as to entice more people to buy it. I found this a good idea and decided to include it. I also found I had a lot of good shots which I wanted to use. I wanted to put a competition on it as I found all the magazines I studied had one in it as well. I specifically did her make up to match her clothing as i wanted her to look well dressed and made up. I wanted my front cover to have a close up shot but I tried all sorts of shots and angles, including cantered, to give me a variety. All the subtitles are in a different font because I wanted them all to look different and therefore give an impression you get a lot for your money. I learned this from my preliminary task. I always wanted my model to be interacting with my title so we tried a couple different ideas and then I decided that making an 'o' with a thumb and forefinger worked best.  
My contents page I wanted to tone down what is happening as I wanted it easy to read and understand. I wanted to carry on the theme of sweets as it connotes fun and young like I said in my analysis of my front cover. I wanted something that connotes expensive and new. This made me choose bubbles as they are round and shiny but still connote the fun, young feel. I wanted to stick to the colours I had introduced on the front cover so it was obvious they were from the same magazine. I wanted to again make the background interact with the edited work so I put the information in the bubbles to show the connection. I wanted the contents to be personal to the reader so in the editors letter I wrote informal using phases 'for you' and 'hello lovely readers'. I ended it with 'Love Tegan Xx'. This I hope would make the readers more loyal to the magazine. When I deconstructed other magazines there where a sense of urgency to let the reader know everything. I didn't like this approach so i decided that i would attract my audience with giving the littlest amount of information as possible so the want to find out more. This made me design the contents as a relaxed style page. 
My double page spread I wanted to be really wild with the pictures and make them all abit different. My inspiration for this design was the X Factor magazine doulble page spread and I really enjoyed the layout and wanted to include a similar one in my own work. The colour scheme is similar to the front cover how ever the yellow is much more vibrant to attract people to the writing inside it. 

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