Saturday 8 January 2011

X Factor Magazine Deconstruction

The front cover has bright colours to draw the audience in and the x factor logo will catch X factor fans attention and increase loyalty. It has three big pictures of contestants on the music show. It connotes three big, interesting stories about the celebrities. It has big bold writing with an average font which is easy to read. The page is packed with information which makes it look worth the money. It has an advert above the celebrity pictures with a girl looking down at them. This connotes that this is what the celebrities have and it's good quality.. Everything on the page looks slanted like it's been stuck on as a diary or a scrapbook and the none symmetrical layout makes the stories look different from each other and making it look worth the money. It has four main colours, pink, yellow, blue and white. Then the X Factor logo in red. All the bright colours are quite feminine and so I think the target audience is for women who watch X Factor. There are three words at the top of the magazine which would interest the public ‘Music, Stars, Style’. It has personal writing on it like ‘New denim looks that suit YOU’ this makes the audience feel more addressed. This makes it more personal to the reader. Magazines like this are known for not always being truthful so '100% Official' has been stamped on to make the reader feel the magazine is more trustworthyand have more authority. It also has titles for the pictures which match each other well. For example Cher Lloyd's 'Weekend Meltdown' she looks in the picture fairly fragile and unhappy. Matt Cardle isn't looking too happy next to his 'Backstage Fury' and Kate Waissel is looking fairly 'Desperate'. The stories make the reader want to read them as they give just enough information to get you interested, 'House Of Pain'.

The contents doesnt have nearly the same amount of colour as the front cover but it has the X Factor logo again and a short message from the Editor. 'Hello!' in big blue writing makes the magazine look friendly and the page numbers are more organised and have colour coded sub headings.It still has the slanted layout of the pictures and writing. so it matches the front cover. It has a big picture of what was a small picture on the front page so this makes it look like all the little pictures and stories on the front cover are actually big stories. All the writing is now in the same font and again makes it look more organised. The bottom of the page has the all the contestants that have left and still going which would be useful for someone who might of missed the that week's show. This would make the magazine look helpful and up to date which could influence you to by the buy the magazine. The page numbers aren't in order and are only pointing out the special features in this issue. This would be to cut down amount of space it takes up and would make the person flip through and see the advertisments on pages not put on the contents page. That would make it less likely that people  would skip passed them knowing they don't want to look at them. They have another three pictures which are new so they look like even more reading material stuffed in the magazine. 


The double page spread has one big picture on the first page of Joe McElderry the last X Factor winner. This would aware the reader what this story is about and below with the bold, unbold writing as a standard interview layout. A little joke 'Actual Size' would make the reader smile and make them enjoy reading the magazine. The picture takes up half the page so it doesn't look daunting to read as there isn't that much writing. The picture is of him filming his music video instead of a snapshot from his new video so it looks more exclusive. The picture and title again is slanted like the front cover and contents. This is a particular theme through the magazine. The colours aren't as bright as the front cover or contents with only a few spashes of yellow and the rest is black, excluding the colours in the photos. I think they did this to make it easier on the reader's eyes when reading this much. The page is fairly simple and maybe they did this because the writing is very interesting and doesn't need brightening up. The second page of the double page spread has much more medium close up shot of Joe McElderry. They all are from his music video and he is looking quite attractive in them. This again makes me think the target audience is for women. There is little writing on this page, a box with 'Five other things we learnt in our chat with Joe'. This would be quick and easy to read if you were in a hurry and couldn't read the whole interview. 

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