Saturday 8 January 2011


This is a very unsymmetrical layout but it is different and could attract an audience. On the hand it might discourage an audience as it is new and different and doesn't look like an average magazine cover, that might make people not treat it as a magazine because it doesn't look like one.

This is one of my ideas for my magazine front cover as it is fairly standard of a magazine cover but looks very professional and official. A disadvantage is it's like a lot of the other magazines which would be it's competition and wouldn't make it stand out.

I have decided to call my magazine note because i wanted my model to interact with my title and it looks better with note than tune. This is a sketch of what i am planning on doing. The 'o' is made by the model's thumb and forefinger.

The two names I have considered for my Magazine are 'Note' and 'Tune'. This is because they both are associated with music and so my audience will know instantly what my magazine is about.  

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